30 June 2017

~June Art Bead Scene Challenge

I did it again. Because it's fun. And because I can.
Because I'm working from home this summer. Because I have more time.

I love the interactions and inspiration. The camaraderie that is felt during these challenges from Art Bead Scene Blog and the June challenge was so thoughtful! You can find it here.

I went ahead and created a few enameled pieces by torch firing recycled copper bits in hues that I felt complimented the art. I used skunk berry leaves (a type of sumac) to make the impressions. Then added a few poly beads by shipwreckdandy to the wrapped stems.

Fun. Fun. Fun. Here's the art work. Just lovely. Read all about it in the link above. xoxo

17 June 2017


Earrings Everyday posted a little firefly challenge and here are the finished pieces thus far on their reveal post. I'll be adding too as I love a little challenge ~
So I made nighttime rendition of fireflies!
All torch enameled recycled copper scrap with buggin' decals.
I use copper from old viga covers so truly recycled earrings but this time, I just grabbed my scrap and went with their random sizes. As a result, one was much longer than the other so I added a little chain with a ceramic bead to the shorter of the two.
These are truly asymmetrical and can be found here with my other enameled
jewelry, and artisan components for you to makeymake with.
Happy creating!

15 June 2017

~New Decals

I found some time, as I awaited a needed document for my dossier, to return to torch enameling decals onto my recycled copper.
I had given up on the decals as over the winter the enameling was popping off when I slowly returned to the second firing of the piece. I was so upset and discouraged that I stopped trying.
But then, I realized it was thermal shock as my torching area is in an enclosed back porch with no heat, so even though the sun would warm it up some, it was just too cold despite the space heater.
Now that we have 90 degree heat, I decided to give it another go.
Woot! Success.
So I will be doing the decal dance again and selling them through my enameling shop. You can also find some finished pieces here as well.