06 January 2012

house break~

nothing like coming home to find that your house was violated. what an absolutely horrible thing to happen on such a beautiful day. went and washed the car (10 mins top) then went to the bank (1/2 hour tops) then home to find some small little dude came in through an 8x12 window light on a door and stole our stuff. my daughter was hit hardest. poor thing. she's handling it better than me though. trooper. so, i need some cheering up. maybe posting some jewelry pics to cheer up the post. can't just be all ~poor me~. need to be upbeat too.
 bike cog with antique shell buttons. crocheted choker.
my wedding garter belt. inner tube. vintage housecoat buttons. yup. rode my mountain bike 17 miles to my wedding in Lamy, NM.
 squiggles! bailing wire and antique wooden beads.

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how delightful that you came to visit. i love your kind comments of all shapes and sizes. thank you very much indeed! darlene