20 February 2013

gold foil and a cold~

came home sick today. hate being sick! especially hate leaving my classroom. BUT, i went and got some seriously hot red and green chile to kill the bug as well as some good tequila. ok, just a little in a sipper. like a hot toddy without the whiskey and honey and lemon and hot water. lol
so, my tommy says ~stay out of your studio and relax!~ i said i would so i brought the relaxing out to my kitchen table as forrest will be home soon and i can't sleep! when f gets home, i will. so there. got the fire roasting and got to the gold foiling of things.
anyway, i started with some buttons and a key plate. not sure of their exact name, those plates. but this one is from latvia and copper and cool. gonna be a necklace.
two different shots of the final result. pretty cool. have no idea what i will do with the buttons yet, but they are sweet. especially the teenie tiny one in the middle.
but then, i realized some of the glue has escaped through button holes and i had gold foiled the table!
shit, i'm in trouble! tom's gonna put two and two together...


  1. Hope you feel better soon. Must be hard not to catch every germ that passes through the classroom.

    1. thanks! i feel lucky this year, i didn't get the flu that knocked put many of my students for a week or more! poor things.

  2. Hot hot shower. Raise your core body temp- knocks out bugs very effectively.
    So identify with the 'collateral damage' have a Phd in that lol

    1. hot shower sounds swell. collateral damage is a good way to put it. lol

  3. You're my kind of cold killer, tequila and chile... it's the New Mexico way, aye?
    I think you've just talked me into some preventative measures!
    I hope your cold gets foiled and you Hatch some new pieces! Get it? Hatch?

    1. funny kim! it is the new mexico way in our family. came home and made pesto pasta for forrest and put our hot chile in mine. today. more hot. no school. feel yucky!

  4. I love your cold remedy! Must stock up, in case I 'get a cold' soon. Hah!
    Looking forward to seeing that necklace. So - did you raise the value of the table by gilding it? xoxo

    1. lol. i might be hooked on foiling things. it's so pretty! found a pen at hobby lobby too. fun, fun!

  5. What? You didn't mean to do that?! Hope you feel better fast!

    1. it is pretty on the table. i think i'll foil everything now! muh ha ha.


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